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Ashesha Mechineni, Attending Physician, Sleep Medicine

Ashesha Mechineni, MD, FACP

Sleep Medicine

get to know our provider

Dr. Ashesha Mechineni practices in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at UI Health. Dr. Mechineni’s primary clinical focus is on identifying and treating people who experience breathing difficulties when they are asleep. After analyzing each patient’s individual sleep characteristics and providing them with individualized care, treatment programs are implemented to enhance the patients’ quality of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to making the most of every day, and  Dr. Mechineni is focused on helping patients achieve their sleep goals.

Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Language : Hindi, Telugu

specialties & services


Sleep Science Center, Suite 104

2242 W. Harrison St.
Chicago, IL 60612


  • Fellowship: University of Illinois Chicago
  • Residency: St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center
  • Internship: New York Medical College
  • Medical School: Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences — India