Daniel A. Bakston, MD, MPH
Occupational Environmental Medicine
get to know our provider
Dr. Daniel Bakston practices in the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at UI Health, where he performs post-offer, fitness-for-duty, and return-to-work employment physicals. As a certified Medical Review Officer, he also sees acute work-related injuries and poisonings and conducts independent medical evaluations. Dr. Bakston is the Program Director for the Occupational Medicine residency program at UI Health. He is board-certified in Preventative Medicine.
Specialties & Services
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- DOT and Employment Physicals
- Employee Drug Screens
- Health Hazard Evaluations
- Acute Injuries
- Medical Surveillance
- On the Job Injury Care
- OSHA Exams
- Travel Health Exams
- Vaccines
- Workers' Compensation
- Work-Related Injuries
Occupational Health & Workers' Compensation Clinic, Suite E144
835 S. Wolcott Ave.
Chicago, IL 60612
- Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago
- Internship: Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University
- Internship: Wayne State University, Providence Hospital
- Medical School: Poznan University of Medical Sciences
- Board Certification: Occupational Medicine