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Daniel  Garvey

Daniel Garvey, MD


get to know our provider

Dr. Daniel Garvey evaluates and treats a wide variety of urologic diseases in men and women. The most common problems that are brought to his clinic are hematuria (blood in the urine), urinary tract infections, inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract (such as interstitial cystitis), kidney stones, prostate related problems (such as benign prostatic hypertrophy), voiding disorders (such as urinary incontinence), and erectile dysfunction. He evaluates a comprehensive spectrum of treatment alternatives including education, physical therapy, medical therapy, and surgical therapy with attention to minimally-invasive treatment options. He also performs male sterilization (specifically vasectomy).

Language : English

Specialties & Services


Specialty Care Building, 2nd Floor

1009 S. Wood St.
Chicago, IL 60612


  • Board Certification: Urology
  • Internship: University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Medical School: Loyola University
  • Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago