Effrossyni Votta-Velis, MD
Pain Management
get to know our provider
Dr. Effrossyni "Gina" Votta-Velis has practiced pain medicine for over twenty years. She has expertise in all areas of pain medicine. Her research interests include the study of gene therapy for pain and mechanisms of neuropathic pain. She has received several national and international awards in addition to several research grants for her work. She has authored multiple peer reviewed articles and book chapters. Dr. Votta-Velis serves as a reviewer on the editorial boards of several reputed national and international journals.
Specialties & Services
- Anesthesiology and Pain Management
- Gene therapy for pain
- Mechanisms of neuropathic pain
Outpatient Care Center, Suite 4E
1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612
- Board Certification: American Board of Anesthesiology
- Fellowship: University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago
- Residency: University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago
- Internship: Michael Reese Hospital & Medical Center
- Medical School: University of Athens