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Headshot of Mariyam Humayun, Neurologist, Neurology

Mariyam Humayun, MD


get to know our provider

Dr. Mariyam Humayun practices in the Department of Neurology & Rehabilitation at UI Health. Dr. Humayun specializes in neurocritical care, and she takes care of patients with acute brain and spinal injuries in the Critical Care Unit. She has a special interest in treating subarachnoid hemorrhages and acute respiratory distress syndrome in acute brain injury.

Language : English, Urdu

specialties & services

  • Neurology
  • Neurocritical Care
  • Acute Brain and Spinal Injuries


  • Fellowship: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine — Baltimore, MD
  • Residency: University of Alabama at Birmingham — Birmingham, AL
  • Medical School: Aga Khan University — Pakistan