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Headshot of Sarah C. Bauer, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician, Pediatrics

Sarah C. Bauer, MD, MS


get to know our provider

Dr. Sarah C. Bauer practices in the Department of Pediatrics at UI Health. Dr. Bauer is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician, and her clinical expertise focuses on the assessment and the ongoing medical care for children with developmental and intellectual disabilities, communication disorders, learning disorders, and autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Bauer’s clinical approach considers systems supporting children with developmental disabilities, including families, health care institutions, schools, advocacy organizations, and community programs. Her academic interests include educational program development and implementation, injury prevention, and narrative medicine.

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Language : English

Specialties & Services


Family Medicine Center at University Village, Suite 235

722 W. Maxwell St.
Chicago, IL 60607


  • Board Certification: Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
  • Fellowship: Comer Children's Hospital, Chicago, IL
  • Residency: Comer Children's Hospital, Chicago, IL
  • Internship: Comer Children's Hospital, Chicago, IL
  • Postgraduate: MS, Health Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
  • Medical School: MD, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL