Wadih Chacra, MD
Hepatology (Liver Disease)
get to know our provider
Dr. Wadih Chacra's clinical practice focuses on the care and guidance of patients with liver disease. He is involved in the pre-transplant evaluations and the post-transplant care. His clinical interests include hepatitis B and renal failure in liver disease.
Specialties & Services
- Hepatology
- Transplantation Surgery
- Hepatitis B
- Post-Liver Transplant Care
- Renal Failure in Liver Disease
Outpatient Care Center, Suite 1B
1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612
- Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology
- Fellowship: University of California
- Internship: Hotel Dieu de France University Hospital
- Residency: Henry Ford Hospital