Mile Square Celebrates Henry Taylor

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dr. Robert Barish, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, and Henry TaylorUI Health Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Robert Barish (left) and Mile Square Board President Carl Malone (right) presented Mr. Taylor (center) with an honorary captain’s chair, in recognition of his leadership at MSHC.

On October 9, 2024, the University and Mile Square Health Center community came together along with friends and supporters from around the state to celebrate the retirement of Mr. Henry Taylor, CEO of the Mile Square Health Center clinics. After 28 years of leadership making Mile Square one of the preeminent Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) networks in the nation, Mr. Taylor leaves an extraordinary legacy of contributions towards health equity across the city of Chicago, Cicero and Rockford through his leadership of the 11 Mile Square Federally Qualified Health Centers.

UIC Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Robert Barish, MD, led the program that included tributes from Congressman Danny Davis (7th District Illinois), and Chair of the Mile Square Health Center Board, Mr. Carl Malone. Also present to celebrate Mr. Taylor’s record of accomplishments were many current and past members of the Mile Square Board, including former Cook County Commissioner Mr. Richard Boykin and UIC Chancellor Marie Lynn Miranda. The event also featured memorable stories from Mile Square patients, staff and video messages that helped exemplify the profound impact Mr. Taylor has made over the years of his stewardship of the Mile Square Health Center operations.

The tributes over the course of the program had one common denominator – Henry’s devotion to the care providers and staff who have worked at Mile Square during his tenure have all shared a common mission to benefit every patient and make them feel welcome. He fostered an environment of trust and quality that the community has come to expect from the Mile Square Health Center. Indeed, Mr. Taylor has made a difference in the lives of people every day and his legacy will long be a source of inspiration for our community.