Dr. Terry Vanden Hoek Named Chicago Medical Society’s ‘Physician of the Year’
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
The Chicago Medical Society presented UI Health's Dr. Terry Vanden Hoek with its Physician of the Year Award on Nov. 20.
The society presents the award each year to a local physician who has made notable contributions to the field of medicine and toward improving the lives of patients in local, national, and international initiatives.
"As a clinician, academic, and healthcare leader, Dr. Vanden Hoek continues to implement innovative ideas that are making a significant impact in our communities," said Dr. Robert Barish, vice chancellor for health affairs at UI Health. "We are pleased that the society has recognized him with this honor for his ground-breaking research and programmatic initiatives that often have life-changing outcomes for our patients."
Vanden Hoek, the chief medical officer at UI Health and head of the Department of Emergency Medicine, was nominated and selected for the award for his involvement with UI Health's Better Health Through Housing initiative, which places chronically homeless emergency department patients into permanent housing, and his ongoing research to improve survival of cardiac arrest through Illinois Heart Rescue and the development of new medical treatments for CPR. In 2017, Vanden Hoek received a four-year, $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to investigate new biological agents that mimic the effects of lowering the body's core temperature, which can reduce the risk of long-term heart and neurological effects if provided during or immediately after the administration of CPR. Vanden Hoek also spearheaded the development of the UIC CHAMPIONS NETWork program designed to expose Chicago high school students at underserved high schools to healthcare as a potential career path. The program started in 2016.
Founded in 1850, the Chicago Medical Society cultivates the science and art of medicine, promotes the sharing of professional experience, and encourages enthusiasm for the profession among its members. Membership is composed of nearly 7,000 professionals who reside in or practice in Cook County.