Restoring Vision
At UI Health, our ophthalmology experts create new possibilities that help restore vision.
PROSE: Prosthetic Replacement of the Ocular Surface Ecosystem
Our Contact Lens Service is the only Chicago-area provider and one of handful of sites in the U.S. that offers the BostonSight PROSE treatment to restore the sight of patients with complex corneal disease. During PROSE treatment, doctors custom design and fit prosthetic devices to replace or support damaged ocular functions — improving and restoring vision while reducing pain and light sensitivity.
The prosthetic devices created during PROSE treatment are transparent domes, about the size of a nickel. They look similar to an oversized hard contact lens and resemble a margarita glass without the stem in shape. Devices fit under the eyelids, vaulting the damaged cornea and resting on the sclera (the relatively insensitive white tissue of the eye). Worn during waking hours, patients are trained in daily application, removal and cleaning as part of the treatment process. The PROSE devices improve blurry vision by masking surface corneal irregularities and transmitting a sharp image to the back of the eye. PROSE reduces symptoms and supports healing by restoring a healthy ocular surface environment, and prevents damage by protecting the cornea against the environment and eyelids
Artificial Cornea Program
The Artificial Cornea Program at UI Health helps people with severe eye disease or injury for whom traditional corneal transplantation from human donors is not an option. Artificial cornea implantation, called keratoprosthesis, or k-pro, is a procedure designed to help patients whose conditions are the most difficult to treat. Our program is the largest program of its kind in the Midwest.