Get Started On Your Weight Loss Journey

1. Make an Appointment

Call 312.996.5100 or 312.355.4300 to schedule an appointment with one of our bariatric surgeons. This allows sufficient time for our Insurance Coordinator to verify that bariatric surgery is covered under your plan.

2. Attend an Information Session

Attending the Bariatric Surgery Information Session is an important first step and should be done prior to your appointment with your surgeon.

3. Meet Your Surgeon

Your appointment with the surgeon will be confirmed once we have received approval for bariatric coverage from your insurance provider. On the day of your appointment, you will have a consultation with your surgeon to discuss your surgical options.

4. Monthly Nutritional Consultations

You will need to see your dietitian monthly. The number of visits will depend on your insurance requirements.

5. Medical Clearances

Visits to other specialists, such as cardiologists, pulmonologists, and endocrinologists may be necessary prior to surgery. 

6. Psychological Evaluation

Several psychological reasons can contribute to obesity. Exploring and understanding these factors can help in achieving successful weight loss. All patients are required to undergo a psychological evaluation and clearance prior to surgery.

7. Obtain Clearance from Your Insurance Provider

Once we have received all your medical clearances, our office will submit your information to your insurance provider and obtain insurance approval for your surgical procedure (This may take several weeks, depending on your insurance provider).

8. Pre-operation and Anesthesia Appointment

Three to four weeks prior to your scheduled surgery, you will meet the surgeon and receive your final instructions for diet and surgery preparation, in addition to completing any outstanding tests. You also will have your anesthesia appointment for surgical clearance.

9. Day of Surgery

The day before your surgery, please call 312.413.7874 between 2–4 pm to confirm your arrival time on the day of surgery. (If your surgery is on Monday, please call the Friday before.)
Please refer to your pre-op instructions for specific dietary guidelines.

10. Support After Surgery

We offer monthly support groups, led by bariatricians and dietitians, that focus on a specific topic each and feature a Q&A session. Participants also will be able to share with and support other attendees. No notification is required — just show up! View the support group schedule here.

11. Post-Surgery Body Contouring

Our program has plastic surgeons who can assist in the transformation process following dramatic weight loss (usually 18 months following surgery). Please check with your insurance provider and physician to see if this is an option for you.

We are excited to be part of your journey. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way to ensure you reach your goal!