Orthodontist Consult
Surgeon Consult
- Evaluation
- Review Records
- Discuss surgical treatment options
- Discuss dental/orthodontic management and its coordination with surgery
- Discuss growth and development of the facial bones and how abnormal development results in your current condition
- Discuss timing of intervention based on skeletal growth
- Preparation for surgery
- For lower jaw surgery, the wisdom teeth extracted prior to the jaw surgery.
- The upper jaw wisdom teeth may be removed at the time of jaw surgery.
Speech consultation
- Speech can be improved and sometimes worsen after jaw surgery.
- Presurgical evaluation of the velopharyngeal mechanism, articulation and oral-nasal airflow to support the indications for surgery.
- Help with postoperative management when altered speech and swallow may occur
Psychologist consult
- Surgery can be stressful
- Help with reducing the anxiety about surgery
- Ensure support from parents and caregivers
- Assist with readiness for normal activities (school, work, etc.)
Initial records
- Includes photographs and X-rays (3D Cone Beam CT) and other tests if applicable
Surgeon and Orthodontist
- Determine a plan for jaws and teeth