Stroke Outcomes
Comparative Outcome of Stroke Patients Admitted to The University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System
Quality Metrics
These metrics are used to evaluate the quality of care provided to patients. This chart compares UI Health compliance to the National Rate of compliance in 2023 on 5 of the stroke quality measures.
Acute Stroke Intervention
If you or a loved one has ever had a stroke you may be familiar with the phrase time is brain – meaning time is of the essence when treating a stroke. With each minute that a stroke goes untreated, the nervous tissue in the brain is rapidly and irreversibly damaged. There are currently 2 FDA approved treatments for an acute ischemic stroke (a stroke caused by a clot in a blood vessel). One is an IV infusion of a potent blood clot busting medication and the other is a procedure called a mechanical thrombectomy. A thrombectomy is surgery to remove a blood clot from an artery. These treatments can restore blood flow to the brain, greatly reducing the risk of death or permanent disability if performed quickly after the start of stroke symptoms. The use of these treatments is based on when the patient was last seen normal. In 2023, at UI Health, we have been able to consistently initiate these therapies within the goals that have been established by the American Heart Association.
Carotid Endarterectomy/Carotid Artery Stenting Complication Rate
The blood supply to the brain is mainly done by the carotid arteries. Carotid artery stenosis, also called carotid artery disease, is when a substance called plaque builds up in these vessels. Carotid stenosis can lead to stroke. There are a couple of procedures that can be performed to treat this condition. Carotid endarterectomy removes the plaque from the carotid artery through an incision. The second procedure, called carotid angioplasty and stenting, involves the placement of a stent through a large needle puncture. This opens the artery up to its proper size while trapping the plaque away from the blood flow between the stent and the wall disease. The graph above compares the post-carotid artery procedure complication rates for 2023 at UI Health to other facilities across the United States
Diagnostic Angiogram 24-Hour Post Procedure Complications
A cerebral angiogram helps to diagnose and treat blood vessel diseases in the brain including aneurysms, vascular malformation, and vessel occlusions. The graph shows UI Health 24-hour post procedure complications rates for angiogram performed in 2023.