Donor Banking Program
Directed Donor Banking Program
The UI Health Andrology Laboratory offers this program for those who are interested in using a Directed (Known) Donor, such as a relative, close friend, and our transgender friends for assisted reproductive procedures.
Specifically, The UI Health Andrology Laboratory offers this program to:
- Clients who are interested in using a Directed (i.e. known) Donor to achieve a pregnancy.
- Clients who wish to use their sperm specimens with a non-sexually intimate individual to achieve a pregnancy.
Directed Semen Donor Eligibility Requirements
Directed donors using the University Andrology Sperm Banking Program must follow FDA requirements to prevent the transmission of relevant communicable disease agents.
The UIC Andrology Lab is responsible for the processing, storage, and distribution of semen from directed donors. Testing and screening are the responsibility of the donor/recipient.
The following is required to be an eligible directed donor:
- Testing for communicable disease (see requirements and time frame below)
- Completion of an FDA Medical History Questionnaire (provided by Lab)
- Completion of a required physical exam and medical evaluation (see requirements below)
Specimens cannot be released with a DONOR ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM until all documentation from numbers 1-3 are received.
Testing for Communicable Diseases
- Testing must be done using ViroMed Laboratories (Donor Screening Panel # 139496). LabCorp testing centers offer this service. If a ViroMed kit is not used, donor eligibility determination will not be done.
(7 days before or by 7 days after each semen collection)
- HIV, type 1 and HIV-1 NAT (nucleic acid amplification test method)
- HIV, type2
- Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and Hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc)
- Hepatitis C (anti-HCV) and HCV NAT (nucleic acid amplification test)
- HTLV types I and II
- Treponema pallidum (syphilis) [ FDA-licensed, approved or cleared test].
- CMV (cytomegalovirus) total IgG and IgM. ** See note at bottom of page.
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Neisseria gonorrhea
- West Nile Virus NAT
- Copies of these lab test results must be submitted to the Andrology Lab and the physician performing physical medical exam.
- Semen specimens will be held in the quarantine tank until all communicable disease testing is completed. Specimens with a reactive test result will be released with the following notification: "Warning: Advise patient of communicable disease risks" and "Warning: Reactive test results for (name of the disease)." Biohazard label included.
** For positive CMV results, include sheet explaining CMV Antibody Testing.
Medical Evaluation and Physical Exam
- Directed Donors must complete an FDA Medical History Questionnaire provided by the UIC Andrology Lab (download on website). One copy must be returned to the Andrology Lab and one copy provided to the physician performing a physical exam and evaluation.
- Directed Donors must complete a physical exam and medical evaluation with a physician. If you do not have one, we will refer you to a doctor at UI Health.
- Provide the physician with the ViroMed (LabCorp) test results for communicable diseases and the completed Medical Questionnaire (above) for evaluation.
- A physical exam for evaluation of communicable disease is to be completed by the physician. (A form for this exam can be downloaded on our website).
- Have physician complete this form and sign both the Medical Questionnaire and the Physical Exam form.
- Return both forms to the UI Andrology Lab.
Directed Donor Forms (pdf)
Please Keep in Mind
The UI Health Donor Banking Program is responsible for the processing, storage, and distribution of semen from directed donors. We are not responsible for all the phases of testing.
If you are interested in banking as a directed donor, please contact our coordinator at 312.996.7713.